-My family and me recycle enough. I have 3 dustbin for paper, glass and the dastbin organic!
-We to turn off tap water
-We to switch off the computer,television etc... when we don't need.

- The heating We put it in a low level.
- We to put out the light when we don't need.
- We switch off o we coused the household.
- When wich travel We switch off the light and the water general.
And we do a lot of things more to help the planet.
I would like my house and my planet to be very ecolologist.
I need one planet clan and I need one planet very very ecologist.
Don't to destroy the planet.
Bibliography: http://drumy.wordpress.com/category/solidaridad/ideas-para-salvar-el-mundo/ and the images of google http://www.google.es/